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Arkansas Lives: The Opportunity Land Who's Who 1965

Arkansas Lives: The Opportunity Land Who's Who 1965
By Dr. John L. Ferguson, ISBN 978-1-56546-451-3, one CD,

Click here to view the people for whom there are biographical sketches in Arkansas Lives

In 1965, Dr. John L. Ferguson, director of the Arkansas History Commission, our state archives, spearheaded an effort to create a "mug book" of biographical sketches about prominent Arkansas folks. Unlike the Goodspeed histories, no one paid a fee to be included. An editorial board made decisions about who was included. There are the usual doctors, lawyers, bankers, businessmen, teachers, and clergymen, but there are also poets, farmers, writers, librarians and genealogists. Some sketches are as few as 200 words, others run over 1,000 words.

There are over 4,000 people people featured in the book and about 250 of them have photographs included. All but 26 of the people in the book were living in 1965. Most were born in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but the bio sketches often mention ancestors, including a few Revolutionary War soldiers.

We've scanned the book and run the files through optical-character-recognition software to make it entirely searchable. It's in Adobe's portable document format (.pdf).

This book isn't part of a series - it's a stand-alone volume. Dr. Ferguson didn't do any others like this. The books were printed in a limited quantity and advance purchasers had the option of having their names stamped on the cover. The book didn't have an index or even a list of bio sketches, but it's searchable now!

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